Saturday, August 27, 2011

$40 off at Paper Coterie

Paper Coterie is offering $40 off any product(s) until August 31. I made 2 of these books, one for each of my sons for Christmas. Shipping came to just under $6 for each one. This is an 8x8 book but there are plenty to choose from. I even got the hardcover so I figure $6 is not bad at all. They also have a recipe book for $10 that is full of awesome sounding recipes. So you got get both a photo book and a recipe book and still not go have to pay anything except for shipping. I am excited to get mine. They look adorable online. Just go over to Paper Coterie and use coupon code H2SBEGINANYWHERE. They have memory boxes, calendars, photo books, etc. Hope you can find an awesome gift for yourself or a loved one.