Sunday, December 25, 2011

First Blog Award

So I received my first blog award recently and have yet to get caught up enough to sit and write about it. I love keeping up with deals but with a one year old and seven year old this is harder than I thought. Not only has my blogging slowed way down but so has my actual couponing. While I hate that I have neglected this I needed to be doing mommy things more and I don't regret that. So with that being said and the house being quite let me begin. The deal with the award is you give props to the blogger who awarded you, then list 7 things about yourself, then pass the award along to 5 other bloggers.
So to begin, I would like to thank Katie at This Mom's Heart for my award.
Secondly, seven things about myself:
1. I am a SAHM have been lucky enough to have been most of my kiddos life but I am glad that I also got to experience a full time working mom's life also so I can sympathize.
2. I have 2 children here and a 3rd in heaven, it was a miscarriage between our first and our last baby. Thanks to my faith and my family I was able to move on and use that as a learning tool to hopefully help other women in that position.
3. I am the oldest of 5 kids the youngest still a young teen.
4. I love gardening and crafting and would probably do it all the time if possible.
5. I have been married almost 10 years to a cop and would have it no other way. That is also a life lesson that if all goes accordingly I will be able to use to help others as well.
6. I met my best friend while our husbands were in the Marine Corp and I am grateful everyday to have her in my life.
7. I love to shoot guns! It is a great stress reliever and so much fun!

Next, the 5 blogs I feel deserve an award:
1. Paper & Pigtails because of her wonderful and free allergy stickers and cards for kids. May not seem like a big deal to those whose children don't have allergies but it is scary sometimes and I thought this was amazing.
2. Girl In Air is my next pick because I think she is a wonderful fellow crafts woman and I have gotten many a wonderful idea from her! You will Love her blog!
3.Couponing For 4 is the 3rd. She list great deals often and I love to read about them. I love deals!!
4. Fly Lady,  she is WONDERFUL for getting organized and I am currently following her plan. Just started recently and hoping to be as well organized as she is.
5. Last but not least I choose Juggling With Kids, she has wonderful craft and activites to do with your children and I love reading them and finding things for me to enjoy with my children.

Thanks again and go check out these awesome sites!