Thursday, July 7, 2011

$2 for a $25 voucher

Over at you can get a $25 voucher for just $2 if you use your new member $10 credit! These glasses pictured above are $8.95 along with a ton of other ones. So for your $2 you could get 2-3 pairs of sunglasses! There is flat rate shipping of $5.99 but that really isn't that bad. So total you would pay about $9.84 if you bought 3 pairs of shades and that includes your voucher price, the 3 pairs of shades @ $8.95 and the flat rate shipping. Thats less than $3.50 a pair. Pretty great buy. Not exactly "baby" but babies love to break these things and they can get crushed under the weight of the diaper bag contents. Would also make great gifts, not too soon to be thinking about Christmas.