Today I went to Victoria's Secret to redeem my free undies coupon. Partially a bad idea because the mall was crowded but I got a nice surprise. I went to check out and of course it was free so I owed nothing but right now every time you check out they give you a gift card. You won't know what the gift card is worth until you are checking out in line, online, or catalog but it is at least worth $10 and they go up to $500. So I think for a trip to get free undies and then receive a free gift card, makes for a great deal. Also, sidenote. Crazy 8's is having a sale, I got owl socks, 2 long sleeve shirts for the baby and a boys long sleeve for under $20! Now normally I would say that wasn't great but my total before the sales was right at $48. So overall not bad. Paid a little bit more per item than I would have at a consignment sale but they are brand new items and in season as well.